Transformative Communication


Simple, specific and effective changes to communication can transform a child’s ‘inner voice’. It is this inner voice that governs a child’s levels of Resilience and, in turn, a child’s behaviour.

The Transformative Communication Project is an intensive package, running throughout a half-term, supporting school to develop a Communication ethos that harnesses ‘Positive Resilience’.

Children writing on a Board

Half-term packages

Weekly, 3 hour visits to your school (including 3 Training Events). Resources, toolkits and interventions for school to continue to implement Transformative Communication when the intensive support comes to an end. Package inclusive of a follow up visit.
*Training events available as staff meetings, twilights or insets

The package includes the following:

Liaison meeting with key professional to identify most bespoke support

'How to' input:

Weekly visits supporting school to practically apply the Transformative Communication techniques covered in the first training session.
*There is an option for a member of the team to shadow Nick’s work with Nick mentoring this person. Ultimately, they would become a ‘Transformative Communication Ambassador’ and lead the continued implementation of the project after the intensive input comes to an end (more information available upon enquiry)

Training Event One - Transformative Communication training:

Transformative Communication training highlights the inextricable link between a child’s inner voice, Resilience and behaviour. We explore how a child’s inner voice informs their behaviour and what that behaviour looks like in education settings. Finally, we move on to how to use Transformative Communication to build a child(ren)’s inner voice, improve their Resilience and subsequently reduce behaviours that prevent learning

Training Event Two - Resilience and Personal Development training for all staff:

Resilience and Personal Development training supports professionals to re-frame limiting thoughts about challenges and empowers participants to believe that their strengths far outweigh any obstacles they may perceive are stopping them from fulfilling their potential

Training Event Three - Creating and achieving clear vision training:

Goals are the road maps that guide us and show us what is possible in life and in our careers. This training looks at short-term, individual, long-term and whole team vision – establishing what these visions are and then how to achieve them using the unique strengths within your team

Resilience lessons for whole classes:

Nick’s Resilience building classes give children a greater understanding of how they are Resilient and how they show such Resilience each day. Once an understanding of Resilience has been established, Nick offers follow-up lessons for the classes involved and close liaison with the class teacher to support a long standing impact after his input ends

Intensive and measurable support for a particular class:

Option to create a Transformative Communication ‘model class’ (more information available upon enquiry)